Contract Research
Vak International offers both quantitative and qualitative research services, as well as training in research and evaluation methodology. We can help at any point in the formal research process:
- the development of a cogent research question
- identification of data sources (such as existing databases)
- design of the research protocol
- development of data collection instruments (such as surveys)
- actual data collection
- creation of data files, using SPSS, SAS, Xcel or other platforms
- the drafting of an analytical plan
- the performing of statistical analyses
- interpretation of those analyses
- the communication of results in the form of reports, peer reviewed papers and presentations
Our qualitative services include:
- focus group participant recruitment
- the running of focus groups
- interviewing key informants
- qualitative data analysis
We have experience in providing research assistance in a variety of domains, including international health, communicable disease, mental health, health policy, human rights, environmental health, population studies and clinical epidemiology.
Some of Vak's endeavours include:
- The creation of systematic reviews on behalf of an agency of Canadian federal government on the topic of the efficacy of certain pharmaceuticals as prophylaxes against avian flu.
- Analysis of survey data from East Africa, to determine the effectiveness of media campaigns in increasing public knowledge of HIV prevention.
- Qualitative interviews with Canadian physicians to determine attitudes surrounding online medical education.
- For Canadian government, the analysis of survey data to determine public attitudes concerning drug safety.